“I’d like a nice medium black”. Our story began with this phrase.
We had always been enthusiasts of the Schnauzer but when we faced the newly developing world of the “medium blacks” we found that they had remained a little behind in respect to the other sizes and colours. From this our desire was born to develop a beautiful dog with a marvellous character.
From that day forward, litter after litter, we continued our constant search for “something more” in order to arrive at: the dog. Today our dogs are called “Del Grande Moro”.
We have accomplished this through the selection of the best dogs that were (and are) the most exemplary and closest to the pedigree standard. We have been travelling, with our dogs, all over Italy and Europe, Sunday after Sunday, for many years in order to arrive at … OUR IDEAL DOG.
From twenty years the standard black schnauzer are became our great passion, and they are our family and our life; This great adventure give us many results, and give us many new friends, the owners of our dogs, for all people that spend with us many time in the ring for gain a new title, we tell them “ thank you “ for developing in the world the black standard schnauzer Del Grande Moro

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